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In this episode, we dive into the concept of the “Self” in Yoga Philosophy and Jungian Psychology. Continuing our series on Jung and Yoga, we explore the common threads between the two philosophies and how you can use this information to create a happier life.

  • How do Jung and Yoga describe the Self?
  • How Western Psychology’s use of the term “True Self” is limiting and based in ego
  • What happens to someone who is Self-Actualized or fully Self-Awareness?

Watch the next Soul Session in this series on our YouTube Channel.
Discover our Jungian Life Coach Training Program.

3 Things to Know About Your True Self


Debra Maldonado 00:28

Hello, welcome to another episode of Soul Sessions with CreativeMind. I’m Debra Berndt Maldonado, here with Dr. Rob Maldonado. We’re so excited to continue our series on Jung and Yoga. Before we dive into today’s topic, I want to remind you to subscribe to our podcast on Spotify, iTunes, or any other system you use to listen to your podcasts. If you are listening to us on YouTube, there’s a little button here in the corner you can click to subscribe to our channel. Please make sure you do that so you don’t miss another episode. Today we’re talking about the concept of the self in both Jung and yoga.

Robert Maldonado 01:13

We started out the series talking about the ego, which is not the true self in either one of those philosophies. Then we talked about the unconscious mind and especially the collective unconscious, which in yoga philosophy is the universal aspect of Brahman consciousness, pure awareness. Now we are getting close to the self, what Jung called the totality of the psyche, both conscious and unconscious. In yoga philosophy, the way it’s explained in the Upanishads, the self can’t be comprehended by the mind, it is beyond mind. How can we understand something that is beyond the mind? Let’s talk about that.

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