People pleasing impacts the coaching relationship. Many coaches want to please their clients and sometimes their patterns of needing to be liked get in the way of effective coaching.
Listen to this episode continuing our series of the Big Five Personality Traits as we discuss the trait of Conscientiousness as it relates to coaching.
If you want to become a life coach and wonder how you can help others, listen to our recent Soul Sessions podcast episode to explore how our unique Jungian coaching model is the future of coaching.
If you are a coach or are receiving coaching, is your people-pleasing pattern getting in the way of a transformation?
Many coaches want to please their clients and make them happy with their service. When their good intentions turn into “overpleasing” this can cause problems for both the client and the coach.
The following are just some signs of overpleasing:
- Poor boundaries with your time (always going over the allotted time and allowing clients to book their calls after the contract is over);
- Not having your clients sign a contract;
- Not asking direct, challenging questions but smoothing over problems with nurturing words like “everything is going to work out” and have them visualize a positive outcome;
- Making changes to your program every time someone complains;
- Not charging enough for your coaching and discounting everything with a sliding scale;
- Tolerating negative comments from clients or angry outbursts.
If you can relate to any of the above, ask yourself how you can change the pattern so you can feel empowered as a coach. Ask yourself how much income are you losing because of your overpleasing?
People pleasing can hurt both you and your clients as a coach. If you don’t have strong boundaries, your client will think they don’t need to have them in their life. As a role model for your clients, you want to demonstrate the balance between empathy and assertiveness.
In the Big Five Personality Test, one of the traits measured is the level of “Agreeableness.” Join us in our next Soul Sessions Podcast episode, How People Pleasing Impacts the Coaching Relationship as we explore:
- The role of agreeableness in building rapport and trust with clients
- The potential pitfalls of being overly pleasing and how to avoid them
- Balancing empathy with strong boundaries and assertive coaching
- Understanding transference and countertransference in coaching relationships
Here’s a link to find out how you score in the Big Five Personality Test.
Share your comments below!
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