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  • We explore religious and spiritual symbolism and how they influenced Carl Jung. Jung used symbolism in his work and bridged the symbolic and material world in his psychology. In this episode, we discuss:
    • Types of symbolism and patterns in religion, specifically Catholicism
    • Jung’s contribution to religious and spiritual symbolism
    • The tension between science and spirituality
    • How to make Jung’s contribution practical for us

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Debra Maldonado  00:28 

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to Soul Sessions with CreativeMind. I’m Debra Maldonado, here with Dr. Rob Maldonado. We have another great episode for you today about Carl Jung. We’re talking about religious and spiritual symbols in the archetypes. A very juicy topic today. But before we begin, I do want to remind you, if you are listening to us on Spotify, iTunes, don’t forget to subscribe on whatever service you listen to Soul Sessions on. If you have any comments, any suggestions, we want to hear from you, just post in the comments. We really want to hear what you’d like to hear more about and even ask us questions about what we cover in any of our shows. We’re always reading the comments, don’t be shy. Let’s get into it. It’s another powerful part of Jung’s work, religious and spiritual symbols.

Robert Maldonado  01:18

This is where, in a way, he becomes very controversial through this work, but if you look at the big picture, if you’re really interested in studying the human psyche, why would you leave out religion and spiritual practices? This has been the core of human culture since the beginning of time, people in the beginning would worship stones. It is an integral part of being a human being, probably one of the most important aspects of the human experience. Yet people feel that it’s untouchable. It’s a taboo to study it.

Debra Maldonado  02:05

Even speak about it. People don’t share, don’t talk about what they believe.

Robert Maldonado  02:09

Jung said “I get it, I might be criticized for this. I might be ostracized from the scientific community, but it’s worth it, because it’s important.” Let’s start with his idea of the collective unconscious, itself very controversial till today. But more and more people are understanding as we learn more about genetics and epigenetics and culture, it’s a viable way of understanding how different human cultures in different times came up with very similar systems of conduct and very similar points of view of the universe, cause it connects us all. Let’s look at some of the details of this.

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