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In this final episode of our Mind-Body series, we explore the topic of life purpose and how it cultivates a sense of wellbeing in body, mind and soul. Discover the secret of success, purpose and health as we discuss:

  • How to shift from surviving to fully living
  • How do you find your purpose?
  • Are you born with your purpose or do you have to create it?
  • How connecting with your purpose is one of the keys to wellness

This information is for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose or treat any mental or physical conditions. Please consult your physician before beginning any mind-body intervention.

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Why a Purpose-Inspired Life Creates Wellbeing


Debra Maldonado 00:28
Hello, welcome to another episode of Soul Sessions. I’m Debra Berndt Maldonado, I’m here with Dr. Maldonado. We’re going to talk today about purpose and wellbeing. Before we get started, I wanted to remind you, if you’re watching us on YouTube and would like to subscribe to our channel, please click on the button in the corner, get on our subscription list, get every notification of our new episodes when we release them. If you are listening to us on a podcast service, please subscribe to Soul Sessions with CreativeMind, so that you can get every episode. Today’s title is Why a Purpose-Inspired Life Creates Well-Being. It’s the last of our series in mind-body for now, probably this topic will come up again.

Robert Maldonado 01:18
There’s plenty of other or related topics to talk about. But we want to talk about purpose. We’re going to give you an idea that comes from Eastern philosophy but is very applicable to how we live today, three levels of purpose.

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