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If you are a coach or aspiring coach, are you committed to ethical guidelines? Coaching is unregulated but we can all do our part to offer the highest level of service and always think of the best interest of our clients. Listen to this episode continuing our series of the Big Five Personality Traits as we discuss the trait of Conscientiousness as it relates to coaching.


If you want to become a life coach and wonder how you can help others, listen to our recent Soul Sessions podcast episode to explore how our unique Jungian coaching model is the future of coaching.

Coaching is the second fastest growing industry and, due to lack of regulation, ethical coaching matters more than ever. Because you do not need a license to practice in most countries, many people call themselves coaches without the proper training.

While the lack of regulation has its benefits with less barriers to entry to start a coaching practice, the downside is that untrained coaches can hurt the reputation of the industry.

Great coaches always act in the best interest of the client. If you are a coach, be honest about the limits of your training and stay within the boundaries of coaching. This does not mean that your coaching has to be regimented and boring, but you can learn how to balance ethical boundaries and creativity in guiding others.

If you are looking to hire a coach, here are some great questions to ask a prospective coach on your consultation:

  • What type of training did you receive?
  • How long have you been a coach?
  • What psychological theory is your methodology based on?

For coaches, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Is my coaching program technique-focused or theory-based?
  • Do I let perfectionism get in the way of creativity and intuition when working with a client?
  • Do I understand the ethical boundaries in coaching and know when to refer clients for therapy?

As we continue our series this month on the Big Five Personality traits, we explore “conscientiousness” and how to navigate ethical boundaries in coaching. Discover how finding the balance between structure and flexibility can enhance your coaching effectiveness. In this episode, we discuss:

  • The essence of conscientiousness and its impact on coaching
  • Balancing ethical boundaries with creative freedom
  • The importance of a structured coaching framework for client transformation
  • Practical tips for maintaining professionalism and accountability
  • How to set effective boundaries and create safe spaces for clients

Here’s a link to find out how you score in the Big Five Personality Test.

Share your comments below!

Are you an aspiring coach or active coach that is interested in incorporating Jungian Psychology into your practice? Download our for free ebook Introduction to Shadow Work for Aspiring Coaches right here:

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