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Unlock the secrets to your deepest self and enhance your relationships through the transformative power of Jungian coaching! In this episode of Soul Sessions, we’re exploring the concept of soul-led relationships and how to achieve the proper balance of love and power.

If you want to become a life coach and wonder how you can help others, listen to our recent Soul Sessions podcast episode to explore how our unique Jungian coaching model is the future of coaching.

We helped thousands of people early in our career with love coaching. We always said, “If you want to find your soulmate, you must first know your own soul.”

So many people partner up because of persona-level qualities such as personality traits, economic status, education or even common interests. While these often help you get along with each other a little better, don’t confuse compatibility with soul-level love. 

Soul-led relationships require a balance of love and power. Both of these unconscious forces (masculine and feminine or as Jung coined, the anima and animus) are available to everyone. Most of the time you project the unconscious or repressed qualities onto your prospective or committed partner which creates a burden of responsibility to carry these for you. No doubt, this will eventually lead to disappointment, disillusionment and “falling out of love.” 

Since these forces are unconscious to you, you can begin by exploring what you know by asking these simple questions:

  1. Is my personality dominantly emotional or logical?
  2. What aspects of my partner (or prospective partners) do I find the most appealing that I don’t identify myself as having?

For a deeper dive, listen to our next Soul Sessions: Jungian Coaching Podcast entitled, “Attracting a Spiritual Relationship.”

Dive deep into the psychology and spirituality that can transform ordinary partnerships into extraordinary unions based on Jungian Coaching.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • The significance of projection and its impact on relationships
  • The roles of anima and animus in balancing love and power
  • Marriage as a spiritual and psychological union
  • How romantic partnerships can catalyze personal development and individuation

Are you ready to explore the archetypes in a deeper way? Join us live for our new 8-week coaching program, Love & Power: Open Your Heart and Mind to Your True Purpose starting March 11th!

Looking for happier relationships and empowerment through purpose? Grab a copy of our FREE ebook, LOVE & POWER: Awaken the Feminine & Masculine Archetypes to Live Your Purpose

Interested in Jungian Life Coach Training? Download your free program brochure:

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