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Have you not felt like the Persona you present to the world? Do you wonder who the real you is? Do you feel want to be more authentic?
If you want to become a life coach and wonder how you can help others, listen to our recent Soul Sessions podcast episode to explore how our unique Jungian coaching model is the future of coaching.

As we get toward the end of the year, you may be assessing what is working for you and not working for you in your life.

Is your career or job fulfilling?

Do you have authentic relationships?

Are you living your purpose?

The one thing that gets in the way of you living an authentic life is the ego. The ego creates a “Persona” to fit in early in life and adapts to certain situations as an adult for social survival. Have you ever felt as if the things you do each week in life. Most people don’t even realize they have a persona, they just think all they are is the character or conscious personality. 

Our students come to us because they feel that lack of fulfillment. They have been living as their Persona for so long they wonder what else is possible for them. The Persona is great for survival, it got you this far, but for lasting joy in life it becomes a prison of limitation. When they step into the work they love, the old masks have to drop away to make room for a more authentic expression.

In this week’s Soul Sessions by CreativeMind, Unmasking the Persona for an Authentic Life. Check out this episode where we discuss:

  • The difference between ego-driven actions and those from the authentic self
  • How Maslow’s hierarchy informs our understanding of true purpose
  • Debra’s personal story of leaving corporate life for a more fulfilling path
  • The role of the Persona in shaping and sometimes hindering our true self-expression

Are you an aspiring coach or active coach that is interested in incorporating Jungian Psychology into your practice? Download our for free ebook Introduction to Shadow Work for Aspiring Coaches right here:

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