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Did you know that Introverts make the best coaches? Find out how you can be a great coach and introverted and balancing it with putting yourself out there.
Listen to this episode continuing our series of the Big Five Personality Traits as we discuss the trait of Extroversion as it relates to coaching.


If you want to become a life coach and wonder how you can help others, listen to our recent Soul Sessions podcast episode to explore how our unique Jungian coaching model is the future of coaching.

Introverts make the best coaches. When we think of the “famous” self-help influencers we see big personalities and people who love to be in the limelight. If you are more of an introvert, you may think that coaching isn’t for you.

This is why introverts are often the most effective coaches. They are deep thinkers and often read a lot. They don’t shy away from intellectual topics and are introspective which enables them to help clients in a profound way beyond just soundbites on social media.


Whether you are an introvert or extrovert by default, this isn’t who you really are and everyone is able to balance out these two traits in themselves. The opposite of your conscious attitude is in your shadow. The goal of Jungian Coaching is balance, not to get rid of one or the other.

So many students say they wish they were more extroverted to get themselves out there to promote themselves. Extroversion is a quality you can cultivate. The difference is that when you do it consciously, you aren’t being extroverted for attention based on ego, you are actually putting yourself out there for a higher purpose. 

Just as extroverts can also discover the unconscious reasons why they don’t enjoy being alone. An introvert must also explore why they prefer being alone. Both can find a balance of social interaction and inner work to help them become more authentic in life.

Coaching Question:

What would open up for me if I become more of an Introvert/Extrovert?

As we continue our series on the Big Five Personality Traits, this week’s Soul Sessions podcast episode focuses on Extroversion, “The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Coach.” Discover the subtle art of balancing extroversion and introversion for personal and professional growth. 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • The distinction between extroverts and introverts and how each gets their energy
  • Methods for introverts to step out of their comfort zones authentically
  • The role of the ego in coaching dynamics and how to overcome it
  • Practical tips on how to embrace both sides of your personality to become a successful coach

Here’s a link to find out how you score in the Big Five Personality Test.

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