Featured Coach Directory

Your list of Certified Coaches. Explore featured graduates of CreativeMind University.


Success Coach Specialist
Dream Coach Specialist
Certified Mind-Body Coach
Relationship Coach Specialist

Certified Spiritual Teachers


Natalie Mal

What if you had immense clarity to step into the leader you know you are meant to be without hesitation or fear?

I offer leadership empowerment to enhance your ability to move forward not just strategically but also authentically by leveraging your uniqueness, developing your inner power, and sparking your creativity.

My mission is to guide leaders to connect with their genius and to make a greater impact doing what they love. Using Jungian Shadow Work, Yogic Mind-Body Practices, and Meditative Visualizations, I lend my intuitive guidance to holistically support you to:
- Make the unconscious, conscious to understand what is holding you back
- Recalibrate your nervous system to work for you, not against you
- Connect with your creativity using powerful visualization techniques
- Mindfully combining an intuitive coaching approach with a keen ability to provide resources catered to your specific challenges, I provide you with a custom growth experience.

I invite you to get curious about yourself and commit to exploring what’s beneath the surface. Remember, the clarity you are seeking is seeking you.

Click the icon below to visit https://nataliemal.com/


Kavita Melwani

Spiritual Success and Business Coach specializing in empowering empathic, spiritual entrepreneurs to create purposeful and profitable businesses aligned with their soul.

Click the icon below to visit https://alignedandsoulful.com


Cindy Schmidt

Are you ready to create a life you love? Cindy blends her unique coaching approach with her training in Women’s Health Physical Therapy, Yoga, Reiki, and as a Certified Mindfulness Teacher to offer a truly transformative experience.

Click the icon below to visit https://wildnewway.com/


Stephanie Trudeaux

Unbound Play–Coaching people to create a positive impact on communities and our world

Are you looking for more joy and life balance? Are you also feeling a sense of stagnation and emptiness, and wanting to do more meaningful work that also benefits others? Unbound Play Transformational Life and Wellness Coaching is a unique approach to help you find clarity and well-being so that you can live an adventurous, joyful and purpose-driven life.

I am Stephanie Trudeaux, a certified Jungian Life Coach, LPC, and IIN Health Coach. Together, my clients and I identify pressing issues and goals. While working toward your goals, I will guide you to uncover the patterns of conditioning preventing you from being your whole self and limiting you from expressing your full potential. This inner work will free you to live a playful, self-directed, and abundance-filled life. Are you ready to play, create and make a positive impact in your life and in your community?

Click the icon below to visit http://unboundplay.com

Certified Master Jungian Life Coaches


Leigh Baldwin

I’m a writer and creativity coach, and I work with coaches, artists, and entrepreneurs to move them through fear and resistance, develop their courage and clarity, and claim their creative authority.

I’ll help you take all the innovative thoughts in your head and put them down on paper. Whether you need a writing coach or a ghostwriter, I'll help you find your voice and share your message, easily and effectively. Book proposals, workbooks and training materials, even a full-length book with your name on the cover - we can work through it all.

I’m a certified Master Jungian Life Coach and have completed advanced study in dreamwork through This Jungian Life’s Dream School and advanced training with Eric Maisel, the founder of creativity coaching. I have an MA in English from the University of Kentucky and have been involved in communication, teaching, and the arts for more than two decades.

I believe in clarity, curiosity, wholeheartedness, and imagination, and hope to use the fundamentals of Jungian psychology, dreamwork, and archetypal systems to unlock and enhance your inherent creative expression.

Click the icon below to visit http://leighmbaldwin.com


Allison Brown

Are you a mid life woman looking for more purpose? Who are you and why are you here? Have you lived the first half of your life doing all of the right things and there is still something missing? Do you have a pattern of taking care of everyone else first leaving very little room for your own dreams and desires? What would be possible if you began to let go of so many “shoulds” turning them into potential “coulds?”

Discover how to reconnect with yourself!
•Learn how to cultivate space for your own well being.
•Take steps to improve your relationships. “The quality of the relationship you have with yourself directly impacts the quality of the relationships you have with others.”
•Begin to live your purpose.

You can learn to create a life that you don’t need a vacation from and it all begins with YOU! I believe in you. Our world needs you to be your truest self, and bring a “little piece of Heaven to Earth.”

Click the icon below to visit http://allisonbrown.com


Stephanie Crain

I help entrepreneurs, leaders, and organizations with value alignment and authentic expression. I work with individuals and companies to help them expand through Success mindset practices.

Click the icon below to visit https://tapasinnovation.com/


Amy Determann

Executive and Academic Coaching focusing on goal and values alignment. Offering decision support, evaluation of bias and emotional triggers. Dream interpretation for stress management.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.invictipartners.com


Mariam El-Azm

Mariam specializes in supporting individuals find their wisdom during important life transitions.

Her coaching style is holistic (working on the body, mind, emotional and soul levels) and emphasizes a strong body mind connection from her yoga background.

Click the icon below to visit https://www.holisticallymecoaching.com/


Claire Germiquet

Guiding the Awakening Ones ~ the spiritual adventurers, the soul seekers, those who bathe in the light and dance in the shadows, the enquirers of life ~ in exploring and revealing the reasons for your experiences to live your life with revitalised inner freedom, purpose and unity.

Click the icon below to visit https://www.clairegermiquet.com/


Jacqueline Hicks

Hi, I’m Jacqueline. I help people who are stuck at a crossroads in their life, career or relationships, which is triggering internal conflict and indecision. Through my coaching program, I'll move you from ‘What am I doing wrong?’ and ‘Where am I going?’ towards taking bold and purposeful action to create your new life in a healthy, connected and aligned way.

Click the icon below to visit www.liferediscovered.org


Lexa Hillyer

I work with creative professionals and entrepreneurs to define--or reconnect with--their sense of purpose, and move through setbacks to accomplish their dreams and ambitions.

Click the icon below to visit www.lexahillyer.com

Love & Relationships

Rachel Kahoopii

Clarity for couples who are at a crossroads. Whether it's an argument that keeps coming up or you're questioning if it's time to break up, Coach Rachel K provides empathetic coaching that emphasizes fun, for couples and individuals. You don't have to figure it out on your own!

-Have more fun and intimacy together
-Get to the bottom of your relationship's recurring, persistent issues
-Fight and disconnect less

Coach Rachel K has coached hundreds of men and women through their stickiest issues, empowering them to create extraordinary relationships.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.creativerelationshipcoaching.com


Kanan Kapila

Kanan has innately known that she can help others realize their unbound potential. She envisions a life where people can fulfill their passions, show support for those in need, and live with greater intention. Her commitment to guide others to find their true purpose and total wellbeing has been a lifelong journey as she has invested professionally in specialized education and training to provide in-depth clarity to her clients.

Kanan speciality is helping her clients with major life transitions such as marital separation/ divorce, bereavement and grief, body/mind health and spiritual intelligence.

Melding her psychotherapy education and training with supportive, transformative modalities, Kanan has become a leading expert in mind, body, and spiritual awareness. Her intuitive and empathic nature offers a compassionate, safe space to share concerns and reflect on areas of major life transitions. Through various methods of inquiry clients are empowered to understand the process of their patterns, conflicts, and emotions that block progress. With new understanding, Kanan helps her clients move forward with clarity, purpose and fulfillment in their lives.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.kanankapila.com


Starry Kari

Optimize your vitality with the Beloved Body System™!

The reason you feel tired, overwhelmed, unfocused or otherwise unwell is because you are stuck looking for the answers everywhere but where they truly are. Every cell in your body contains a vast intelligence that holds the answers to questions you didn't even know you had!

As a Master Jungian Life Coach specializing in the mind-body connection, I will guide you to the knowing that already resides within you so you can uncover what's been blocking you from your complete wellness and free your body from the obstructions so you can optimize your vitality!

Move from bypassing your body to befriending your body!

If you are anything like I was, you are overwhelmed by your body’s input so you have chosen to tune it out. You go about your daily tasks in a numbing effort to ignore what your body might be telling you because it’s just too complicated to figure out and you just don’t have the time.

Discover how to focus your body's wisdom by learning to work with it instead of against it with these 3 simple steps:

See the body:
Become aware that your body is intelligent and wants what you want.

Meet the body:
Meet your body where it’s at by acknowledging where it is strong and where it is struggling.

Lead the body:
Become a focused leader so there is no question that your destination is optimized vitality!

Click the icon below to visit http://www.cosmiccorecoaching.com


Annabel Lane

I guide divorced women to discover their purpose, and in the process consciously create a beautiful new life on their terms.

Click the icon below to visit https://annabellane.com


Erin Mary Martin

I guide highly motivated women toward reclaiming their power by helping them to discover the unconscious obstacles standing between them and their true life purpose.

Contact by phone: 949-630-8077


Caroline McGrath

As a mindset and empowerment coach for moms and women, I am passionate about helping helping moms find their way into wholeness - while trying to balance it all and dance in the middle of chaos - and helping women break through conditioned barriers so they can shift into alignment and create the life they know they are meant to live. I support my clients throughout their own powerful journey as they emerge into their own personal freedom. Those who are ready to live life on their own terms, invest in what is truly meaningful to them, open up the flow of endless opportunities to receive, and truly live the life of their dreams.

I support and work with moms who are ready to take the deep dive into the ups and downs and all arounds of mamahood. I help moms heal as they work through conditioned barriers that have kept them stuck for way too long. We integrate the emotions and thoughts that are held deep within, such as mom guilt, fear, grief, and anger. By tapping into your own self, you are able move into a new personal freedom and release what no longer serves you.

Within my coaching program, I have built a community for like-minded mamas to be real, raw, open, honest, and share about the ups and downs of mamahood in a non-judgemental, safe space. A space where you can be YOU as big emotions are normalized, and the guilt, shame and anger are transformed into forgiveness, strength and love. A space where moms support and empower one another as each mama heals, grows, transforms, and rises up along the way.

I also offer a monthly teen group, "Mend Your Mindset", that teaches teens to approach health in body, mind, and heart, from a place of self-respect. Healthy habits are cultivated that nourish deep self esteem, skills to navigate social and emotional pressures, and celebrate diversity and the inner spirit.

Click the icon below to visit https://www.soulofthelotus.com/coaching


Kristi Peck

I help women of influence cultivate higher truth and welcome an inner community as a form of self-expression to heal the ancestral shadow, liberate the lineage of dysfunction, and create a self-partnership that translates into powerful leadership for today's world.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.kristipeck.com


Jenn Pilot

Self-love is at the core of all spiritual practices. We can only thrive in our lives and love others to the extent that we are able to love ourself. Jenn helps conscious sober women to have more self-love and a better relationship with herself and the world.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.jennpilotcoaching.com


Irene Riad

SIGHTcet - The Self-Mastery Coaching Institute empowers entrepreneurial leaders to use their life significant setbacks to unleash their creative legacy into the world and achieve more time, financial, and inner freedom and abundance. We perceive differently and KNOW that our depth coaching empowers your self-transformation that impacts your relationships, your business, and the world. Coaching is delivered by ICF and IAOTRC accredited professionals grounded in Jungian psychology, neuroscience of recovery, spiritual laws and creative expression. Our mission is to enable a million leaders to connect with their inner divine design and expand their legacy in service of a more compassionate world.

Click the icon below to visit https://www.sightcet.com/

Love & Relationships

Helen Rigby

I help women reconnect to their inner wisdom in order to have a more loving relationship with themselves, learning to trust that it's safe to express who they truly are. After experiencing a life threatening illness, I wanted to help women face their fears to live a more compassionate and creative life with deeper meaning and purpose.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.helensrigby.com


Susannah Robinson

You’ve felt it tug at your heart. That longing for discovery and purpose. For more.

What if a new beginning didn’t take a lifetime to create? The truth is it doesn’t have to.

Trained as a Master Jungian Life Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Breathwork Facilitator, I am an integrative field guide for your Midjourney Rejuvenation. If you’re ready to enrich the second half of life, restoring joy & purpose; aligning with your sacred self; and living a life of fulfillment, now is your time.

Let’s work together on this transformative path of self-creation.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.sacredaire.com


Jennifer Schaefer

Jennifer Schaefer is an International Mind Body Coach and founder of Reveal Your Inner Hero improving and impacting the emotional health of women and their communities through cultivating curiosity and courageous confidence.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.revealyourinnerhero.com


Simona Stoyanova

I help vision-driven female entrepreneurs go from feeling stuck, overwhelmed and unfulfilled to confident, excited and living with purpose. My mission is to help you let go of the fear, insecurity and self-doubt that are holding you back, so that you can step into your full potential, express your unique purpose and create the happy, meaningful and fulfilling life you know you can have.

Click the icon below to visit https://simonastoyanova.com


Giuliana Tessitore

I am Giuliana Tessitore I am a SelfEvolution Psychotherapist & Life Coach and I've founded a London based Coaching Company called "Global Evolve" that provides 1-1 coaching sessions. I love supporting Midlife Over-Achievers/Perfectionists to tap into their inner creative gift and live and abundant and joyful life.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.giulianatessitore.com


Susan Thomas-Taylor

If you are ready to make a change in your life and move from Burnt Out to Brilliant then I can help! Using the Jungian coaching method, with a deep listening and intuitive style, as well as dream analysis, I can help you to uncover what is blocking you so that you can move forward into a creative, connected future.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.trueselfjourney.co.uk


Wendy Tiller

Next Purpose Coaching is a Jungian based life coaching practice serving parents of older children, many who have already left the family home. She also specializes in divorce as a form of experiencing Empty Nest Syndrome, where the client is thrusted into a new space of personal existence, independent of the familiar family unit. Wendy's approach is both intuitive and empowering, with a direct and educational tone that awakens the client to their inner narrative, the narrative that does not exist to the outside world. This approach opens the gateway to the unconscious mind, where the client's inner wisdom provides all the answers needed to move forward with grace, courage and self-awareness. Working with Wendy is a 6-12 month journey of inner work, proven both challenging and freeing. The result is a lighter yet deeper connection to mind/body, a more curious, playful mindset and the ability observe thought, rather than live with a reactive mind. Wendy is a true Mindset Life Coach skilled in the art of setting an intention and moving forward with inner wisdom and endless possibilities as the guiding light. The ultimate end goal is freedom to live a True Self life experience rooted in unwavering purpose.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.nextpurposecoaching.com


Wren We

I guide curious explorers on an inner journey to wholeness through dream work, emotional alchemy, and psycho-spiritual coaching.

Click the icon below to visit https://animamundicoaching.com/

Certified Professional Jungian Life Coaches

Love & Relationships

Doris Burby

Certified Jungian Life Coach specializing in Heartbreak. Using Jungian psychology and Eastern philosophy to reveal unconscious patterns driving relationships that leads to heartbreak and how to transform these patterns into conscious decisions and ultimately having improved relationships in all areas of your life.

Click the icon below to visit http://dorislifecoach.com

Family & Motherhood

Michelle Hallum

I work with women to reconnect with themselves so that they can improve their relationships and quality of life. Becoming more conscious of who you are allows you the opportunity to redefine the connections you have in your life whilst defining the future connections you'd like to create. The beauty of being connected with yourself guides you towards deeper, more meaningful connections with others too. So if you're feeling disconnected from yourself, your life or others around you, ge in touch and discover how working with me will bring about the change you're looking for.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.michellehallumcoaching.com


Sarah Hill

Helping working women find joy, purpose, and freedom at work.

- Wake up in the morning excited for the day ahead!
- Make an income through joy and purpose.
- Feel a sense of freedom in your life.
- Make an impact and contribute your gifts to the world.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.sarahhillcoaching.com


Elle Pendry

Lawyer turned life coach for media professionals who are looking to find their purpose & create a career and life they love.

Click the icon below to visit ellependry.com

Certified Jungian Life Coaches


Alina Lightchaser

This program is called Luminous Opulence:
Ideally, you have achieved success, determined by the Western Culture. You’ve broken through financial barriers, and checked off all the boxes in life. Your life looks great on paper! However, one day you wake up and begin to question your purpose and meaning with all you’ve acquired. You are ready to explore more! You are ready to embark upon the journey of self-discovery in order to create what you truly want. Step out of the box of life and step into a world of true freedom. Your soul is calling you, it is time.

Click the icon below to visit lightchaserinstitute.com


Bonita Day

I am Bonita Day of Creative Integrative Coaching. I offer integrative support to people who are in on their journey of self discovery and who seek meaning, purpose and lasting change. I specialize in supporting the integration of insights and new awareness experienced in the psychedelic space and in other mystical experiences. Through shadow work and the interpretation of visionary experiences and dreams, I help my clients to integrate for deep transformation.

Click the icon below to visit bonitadaycoaching.com


Christina Achkar

I help woman that are ready to change permanently break & heal from their old patterns of low self worth & self trust so they can feel freedom from self doubt & overwhelm. I help them manifest their most powerful self using the HER Expansion Method.

Click the icon below to visit theeffortlesslyfeminine.com


Honey Al Sayed

In a world rife with communication challenges and rapid change, genuine human connection is often lost. Honey& is dedicated to reigniting this connection from the inside out, enabling leaders to harness their true potential. The "&" in Honey& symbolizes our profound commitment to collaboration and humanity. Guided by Honey Al Sayed—a certified Executive, Jungian life and leadership coach, and creative communication expert—we blend a personal touch with our collaborative ethos. Our distinctive approach integrates clients directly into our journey, fostering mutual growth whether the engagement is online or offline. With the core belief in cultivating a compassionate global community, our mission is clear: shape leadership that's human-first, empowering one individual at a time.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.honey-and.com/


Amanda Alston

Working with self and spirit, I work with any being who is ready to live fully as their authentic self. Using tools such as shadow work, neuroplasticity, inner child work and visualization (to name a few), we work together to clear up blockages and trauma both from your present life, and ancestral traumas to help you live a full, peaceful and joyful life.

Click the icon below to visit https://spiritedmooncoaching.janeapp.com/


Kelly Austin

I help spiritually curious women go inward to step into their soul aligned life!

Click the icon below to visit https://www.kellyaustin.com/


Renee Bayard

I combine Depth Psychology techniques such as Shadow integration, active imagination and dream analysis with hypnosis, schema therapy and motivational techniques to help my client become more self-aware, transform into the best version of their self and build confidence to pursue their dreams. I am also certified in the Cognitive Type method, a revolutionary facial reading system to accurately deduce your cognitive functions.

Click the icon below to visit https://www.lrbayardcoaching.net


Anna Bellissima

I help fellow coaches, healers, mystics and intuitives to *effectively* market and grow their business with step-by-step guides, magic, shadow work, and alchemical community.

Click the icon below to visit http://annabellissima.com


Christina Bogatsky

I focus on presence and self-compassion, helping people love who and where they are NOW.

After 20 years in corporate jobs, I had two kids back-to-back. My world got flipped upside down in more ways than I anticipated! The best flip was the one where I came back to myself. I stripped myself of many roles I assumed. I separated these roles from who I am.

And the process was mind-blowing.

I realized that I had attached my inherent value to my title, my paycheck, and my promotions.

I’d lost sight of my true values. I did the humbling work to identify what my values were in this new shape my life had taken.
Between raising small kids and going through a tough personal period, I developed a level of compassion I never reached before. Compassion for others and, most importantly (IMO), compassion toward myself.
I thought about the impact I wanted to have when I did re-enter the workforce, and I knew it would be focused on compassion and love. This is how Totally Fine Coaching was born.

I help people SEE and CELEBRATE what they have accomplished to date.

I help clients really FEEL and KNOW that this tough time now will pass.

I can help you reach a place of self-love that will give you permission to celebrate the good and brave the tough.

Because, while life throws wrenches, at the end of the day, we are all going to be just fine. We are totally fine.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.youretotallyfine.com


Andreja Borin

Supporting athletes and professionals in managing chronic pain, sport and occupational injuries, and fostering health and wellness through coaching.

Click the envelope icon below to email andreja@flexbodylab.com


Nikki Bose

My coaching technique is based on the teachings of Carl Jung. In this method we look at our Persona, the face we show the world, and our Shadow, the aspects of ourselves that we hide from our self and others. By looking at these two parts with an open and curious mind we are able to consciously decide who we are and how we are going to show up in the world. Integrating the persona and shadow allows us to understand our True Self and tap into our higher purpose.

Click the icon below to visit http://soulrestorationcoach.ca


Suzy Carroll

My area of expertise is guiding mission-inspired women in revealing patterns and emotional responses that no longer serve you – reclaiming your power, passion, pleasure, energy, and time – shifting frustration and overwhelm to calm and fulfilled, guided by clarity and what’s most important to you.

I combine modalities as a Certified Jungian Life Coach, Certified Wellness Coach, and Sabbatical/Transition Mentor to transcend unconscious blocks and blind spots – releasing the binds of social and cultural conditioning so you can flourish personally and professionally with much more ease.

By liberating what’s hidden in your unconscious, you capably cultivate a path to joy and heart-centered space - operating from this aligned place fundamentally changes how you show up for yourself in life, and business, while upholding enjoyable and sustainable well-being, progress, and play.

With decades of experience in management, leadership, and brick-and-mortar business ownership, I bring astute guidance from real-life experience, inspiring enthusiasm, and skill for cultivating a space where you feel held, seen, and heard - fostering a life lived in all 88 keys – becoming gloriously solid with who you are as a human being.

Click the icon below to visit https://suzycarroll.com/


Jose de Castro

My coaching services are geared especially to spiritually minded professional men that have come to the realization that their careers are no longer serving their deeper need for personal fulfillment and alignment with their higher purpose. It is for those who may have a certain degree of success in their careers, but are looking to transition into more fulfilling work in line with their more authentic selves.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.decastrodeeplifecoaching.com

Success Mindset

Emma Celou Jugganaikloo

I use the MBTI and Jungian Psychology to help emerging leaders to embody confidence, communicate clearly, and lead their team to success.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.emmacelou.com


Max Chegwyn

Make It Conscious is a coaching and education resource for those impacted by cults, codependency and mind control. I combine Jungian Psychology, Eastern spiritual practice and business experience to help you eliminate confusion, gain new perspective and reclaim your Self-Sovereignty.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.makeitconscious.com


Shagun Chopra

I am a Jungian life coach who offers skilled, personalized support to clients undergoing the individuation process after encountering a midlife crisis that requires them to abandon their old ways of being and reinvent themselves. This could be a job loss, relationship conflict, a health issue, or something else.

Click the icon below to visit https://shagunchopra.com/


Cora Conovali

The Only Journey You Will Ever Need To Find Happiness — The Journey Back To Your Self.

I provide guidance and support to women who are in need of creating an empowering and self-loving space in their lives.
Together, we will bring the contents of the unconscious into conscious awareness and explore it in a non-judgmental and compassionate way.
You will gain clarity on what is really serving your path & journey - and reset your life.

Whether you are looking to:
✺ Free yourself from toxic relationships, environments, and damaging emotional dynamics
✺ Put an end to self-sabotage patterns that hinder your true magical potential
✺ Embrace your inner power and know your true Self
✺ practice sustainable inner balance, while having long term resilience no matter the external conditions in your life
✺ Bring awareness to your authentic life purpose and its radical creative expression
✺ Practice support for other women with personal growth and lead a fulfilling life

I am here to help.
Venus Rising is my signature program, uniquely designed to empower women to move from surviving to thriving.

Are you ready to bloom?

Click the icon below to visit https://coraconovali.com


Chantelle Dantu

I help professionals change their lives from meh to magnificent by overcoming mindset obstacles holding them back from achieving their greatest version of success in the areas of mind, body, and career.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.inwardinsights.com


Amanda Davies

I am a certified psychologist, business strategist, and messaging expert for service-based business owners - such as coaches, experts, creatives and consultants. My team and I can help you catapult your business using the power of social media, online growth strategies and smart marketing.

But here's what most people miss: Business growth always starts with you, the leader. Success is a combination of the external strategy and the deep, lasting, inner work.

That's why we are so passionate about not only helping you implement the right strategies, but also helping you to develop into the impactful leader, CEO and Founder you were born to be through success coaching, mentoring and Jungian shadow work.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.lightpurposeliving.com


Linda Davies

I help women create a healthy relationship with money so that they can fulfil both their financial and life dreams. I also help mid-life women, empty nesters and burnt-out career women find new purpose, direction and joy, and how to kindle their inner fire.

Click the icon below to visit https://www.lindadavies.com


Michael Davis

I work with Men couples and do dream interpretation.

Click the icon below to email mdavis@spiritualdirector.coach


Marcella Diane

Want to create a body and life you love without willpower? Want to reach your full potential but afraid you won’t get there because of excess weight, low energy or poor health? Good health and fitness is vital to living out your best life, and you can not only get there, but stay there, feeling amazing, full of freedom and satisfied.

Emily Dobie

Helping moms break through their inner barriers to being healthy, fit and confident.

Click the icon below to email efdobie@gmail.com


Sheila Ewers

What would it take to transform your life? Work with Sheila to navigate the space of spiritual transformation and manifest a life of greater peace and equanimity. We'll establish goals and use tools of meditation, conscious breathwork, self-inquiry, dream discovery, communication, physical movement and creativity in order to align you more fully with your highest Self and your work in this world.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.seekyoga.com


Cash Freitas

I coach spiritual women who are struggling with harmful or compulsive behaviors that hold them back from living the life of their dreams. I work with women who want to quit drinking, smoking, or other compulsive behaviors such as overspending, procrastination, and self-sabotage. We work to uncover the connection between their limiting beliefs, uncomfortable emotions, and harmful behaviors, guiding them through a journey into their unconscious mind to uncover the strength and inner truth that they have within, waiting to be discovered.

Click the icon below to visit https://theclearheartcoach.com


Brendan Furnari

Explore your Educator Shadow: Using a guided coaching model, Jungian Psychology, and neuroscience, participants will learn a method to shine a light on unconscious cognitive patterns, increase self-awareness, improve classroom management, improve collaboration, and reduce stress. Teachers, counselors, and administrators have participated in this coaching model with me, and all have gained deep insight and enhanced relations with students and colleagues. A school's educational excellence directly reflects the hearts and minds of its adult members. By increasing our self-awareness, we can create a school environment where all adults and students feel empowered to reach their full human potential.

Click the icon below to email furnarib@gmail.com


Julie Gandulla

reWilding is founded in reconnection: reconnection to body, mind, spirit...to life. Reconnection can come in many forms but at its core, it is deep awareness, listening, and relation with all the different parts that make up who we are. Based on individual needs and circumstances the process begins where the individual is at, but focuses on creating space where connection can be reclaimed. We may learn about sleep and the integration of sleep hygiene, or we may focus on the nervous system and practice Tai Chi, or we may dive into dreamwork and discover deep wells of knowledge. Whether it's: Foundational learning on a particular reWilding concept, a step by step integration developing your unique reWild lifestyle, or a focused application of reWilding in a particular instance in your life, mentorship focuses on educating, supporting, and reconnecting clients so their most authentic selves can awaken.

Click the icon below to visit https://www.rewildmt.com


Julie Gentry

Certified Practitioner of BodyTalk, Red Hat Qigong, Jungian Coaching and Soul Motion® Conscious Dance, M.A. Spiritual Psychology.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.juliegentry.com


Katarina Guzman

I help creative individuals go from feeling as if everyone around them is pursuing a passion while they just can’t seem to take the first step, to courageously pursuing an authentic purpose and expressing their true creative selves!

My mission is to work with people who know that they have a unique, personal adventure to seek out in this world but are feeling stuck, fatigued, unmotivated, and defeated before they even start. If this sounds like you, you are not alone. Together we will uncover and unravel core limiting beliefs through Shadow Work and emotional integration. Through this journey you will discover parts of yourself that you never knew were there before! This is not about becoming a new person, this is about reconnecting with and reclaiming the true self you already are and freeing it from the constraints of conditioning and limiting behavioral patterns.

If you are ready to pursue your path to self empowerment and full individual expression, sign up for a free Discovery Call through the Forest Path website!

Click the icon below to visit http://www.forestpathmindbody.com


Cyndi Hackett

Flower Essence Practitioner, Herbalist & Jungian Life Coach with an Emphasis on Emotional and Spiritual Wellness.

Click the icon below to visit http://cyndihackett.com


Jaida Hancock

I work with women going through faith crises/transition and parents of neurodivergent children.

Click the icon below to http://www.jaidahancock.com


T. Rebecca Hansen

I help women reclaim their power, revitalize their spirituality and discover their authentic selves.

Click the icon below to https://thepurplespiral.com/

Love & Relationships

Sandra Harewood

Sandra is an experienced Transpersonal Marriage Therapist and Jungian Life Coach.

Sandra helps married high, achieving women who feel stuck in their relationship make an empowered decision about its future without the need for validation from others or prioritising what they think she deserves. She'll guide you in making this impactful life decision with clarity, developing the confidence you need to know you're making an aligned decision for you and the relationship.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.sdhcounselling.co.uk


Tracy King

I help you to connect with your authentic self through balancing mind, body, emotion and spirit. Working through all energy bodies at a conscious and unconscious level. Live a life of alignment and purpose to create greater flow in health, wealth, career and relationships.

I accompany you on a unique transformative journey by integrating my skills as a Clinical Psychologist, Jungian Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Yoga & Meditation Teacher and Energy Healer to map out a route for transformative and lasting change in your chosen areas of focus.
Click the icon below to visit http://www.hummingbirdhealthandhealing.com


Molly Kyle

I strive to help highly sensitive individuals as well as those who have experienced trauma (most of us would qualify for that) to feel more integrated and whole, and to live a more aligned, purpose driven life. My approach is to help my clients find their own answers and helping within their intuition and subconscious. By making the subconscious conscious, the mind can be both clear and calm, allowing for the joyful experience of more presence in the timeless ‘now’ moment.

Click the icon below to visit https://higherheart.squarespace.com/


Victoria Litardo

Devoted to collective liberation through personal transformation. As a Certified Jungian Life Coach, I support my clients in their journey of unleashing their depth and integrating the whole personality. Through compassionate inquiry, we dive deep into the psyche to uncover what shadows are ready to be integrated and brought to light. Whether it be in family, relationships, career, or your creative life, there is profound wisdom that can be gleaned through this transformative unfolding - and only you have the key to unlocking a more conscious life. I am committed to journeying with you in the questions, with intention and love.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.victoria-lynn.com


Krissy Loveman

I coach women on dropping in to the wisdom of their emotional bodies, divine nature, and feminine flow. I specialize in working with women who struggle with perfectionism, disembodiment, and overworking.

Click the icon below to visit http://krissyloveman.com


Luana Joya Lucia

I integrate the Jungian Professional Life Coaching within the Intuitive Energy Massage Healings as a Spiritual Practice to share with the client all avenues of healing.

Click the icon below to email: luanajoyalucia@gmail.com

Love & Relationships

Athena Mitsi

I help my clients change their relationships by building the relationship with themselves so that they live fulfilling and purposeful lives.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.athenamitsicoaching.com


Liz Moore

Helping you know the hidden parts of yourself and have the courage to stop hiding.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.sagebird.com


Andreea Ioana Moșoiu

Click the icon below to visit Andreea's Instagram profile @pinnochio.pj
Family & Motherhood

Meschelle Ann Munro

Flip Your Family LLC guides moms that are Professionals in the work place to honor the process of unapologetically expressing their authentic, aligned self in their home. Coaching is provided for Professional moms that are ready now to stop feeling disconnected from herself. For moms that are seeking fulfilment from WITHIN instead of WITHOUT. for moms that are ready to build their sacred bridge through creation of your unique recipe for consciously connecting and communicating to your inner child while embracing your shadow. Little Ann, my inner child guides your connection in your most important relationship the connection to you and YOU first and foremost. And this facilitates the replica of a deep, creative, intimate conscious connection and communication with your children and your spouse. Little Ann guides in connection with You and you, You and your family, as well as You and your mate.

Click the envelope icon below to contact Meschelle via email: flipyourfamily@gmail.com


Micah NeVille

A personally tailored coaching experience to integrate aspects of self yet to discover.

Click the icon below to visit https://www.linkedin.com/in/m-neville-3a185722b/

Success Mindset

Joanne Newborn

As a Lifestyle & Leadership Coach I work with career focused individuals who feel frustrated, unfulfilled and stressed out to create a Leadership Mindset to empower them to attain their dream career with ideal salary and a luxurious (guilt-free) work/life balance. Private 1:1 Coaching, Group Coaching, Courses and Free Leadership Resources and Articles.

Click the icon below to visit www.NewbornEvolution.com


Julia Norton

Julia is an award winning singer & actor who empowers creative leaders and the 'vocally stuck' to embrace vocal confidence, get unstuck and move into the full magnificence of their creative potential.

Imagine yourself for a moment, fully understanding that you get to create your own artistic life. Imagine the energy that will become available to you once ‘self doubt’ and ‘playing small’ are no longer the default. What would it be like to step onto a stage knowing that you are going to show up with all your creative and soulful energy in that moment? How do you feel when you imagine that?

I offer vocal and creative empowerment to artists and creative leaders who know that they are doing ok, but they have so much more to share, to create, to be.

Knowing that “The voice is the muscle of the soul.” A. Wolfsohn, I have been using Jung’s shadow work with singers for over 25 years, initially through my training as a Voice Movement Therapy Practitioner, and now as a Jungian Life Coach.

Working with deep connection, movement, vocalizing, creativity and visualizations, I will be your guide into the locked away parts of your creative self, and into the treasure that’s hidden there. That, is how you step onto your stage, showing up as your fully authentic shining self.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.yourfreevoice.com


Chelsea Nowakowski

Empowering former female athletes who struggle in their relationship to food, weight and body image.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.wildbodyluminary.com


Nicole Ouwenga-Scott

Nicole takes you on a journey of self-discovery and professional growth. By working together, you will uncover your unique strengths, cultivate your authentic voice and develop effective strategies to achieve your artistic, professional ambitions while maintaining personal balance and well-being.

Click the icon below to visit http://creativethreadcoaching.com


Lori P-Kajana

A Seeker's Inner Journey Coaching is a Jungian Coaching method, anchored into Compassionate Mindfulness practice. While Jungian Coaching will take you to a deeper dive into your unconscious mind and access your inner wisdom, the Compassionate Mindfulness will provide you with appreciation, presence and gratitude toward what is and what will unfold along the way. This unique coaching method customized to the client's needs will guide them on breakthrough inner journeys, finding Purpose and Joy within.

Click the icon below to visit https://aseekersinnerjourney.com/

Family & Motherhood

Cassandra Partridge

I am a guide and coach for the transition into motherhood. Whether you are giving birth to a baby, your Self or a creative project. I bring the gift of Insightful Presence™ for the heroine's journey. I serve as a midwife for the transformation of intergenerational traumas and the creation of new family legacies. I work with the interdependent Mother Archetype patterns in the personal and collective psyche.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.mamatrice.com


Erika Perez

We believe that all hardships and crisis in our lives are an opportunity to learn, grow and come out stronger.. We want to help people recenter and find direction during a life transition. Take inventory of their life, prioritize what’s important and find direction.

After recentering, we will turn insights into action! We will help them set goals and clear steps to create the life they want!! As a result they will also reshape their relationships.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.nextstepcoaches.com


Kim Periano

My passion is in bridging the mind-body-spirit connection, helping you feel more at ease and at home in your body and able to show up with more vitality in your life. My expertise is in chronic and terminal illness support, support for healers and healthcare workers and helping corporate leaders find deeper purpose in their work.

Click the icon below to visit https://www.lionsheartwellness.com

Keri Perkins

Keri Perkins

Keri Perkins is a yoga teacher and Jungian Life Coach. She believes the combined approach of meditation, breathing techniques and applied Jungian Life Coaching methods can help any individual find confidence, purpose and overcome self-limiting beliefs. The embodied practices of yoga and breathing techniques support the nervous system, restoring calm, clarity and better judgment. Whether you are looking to improve relationships with others, how you see yourself and the world around you or find purpose professionally or personally, Keri will guide you to look inside with compassion. With Jungian Life Coaching your visions will become clear and you will ultimately harness unlimited potential.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.weareboogiesound.com

Love & Relationships

Rachael Rosner

I help millenial couples experience the deep connection and love they desire in their relationship through my private 1:1 coaching programs.

Click the icon below to visit www.rachaelbrosner.com


Tony Rouse

Centered in Jungian philosophy and integrated attachment theory, my coaching businesses address the unconscious and subconscious mind to create a more fulfilling life.

Click the icon below to visit www.integratedpersonality.com


Raffaella Salerno

As a Jungian Life Coach, I blend the wisdom of Carl Jung's psychological insights with modern coaching techniques. This personalized approach will help you navigate life's challenges, discover your true self, and unlock your potential. Through deep introspection, archetypal exploration and dream analysis you will be guided on a transformative journey towards greater self-awareness, balance, and fulfillment. Embrace the power of your unconscious mind and embark on a profound inner adventure. Your path to holistic growth begins here.

Click the icon below to email raffisalerno@gmail.com


Danielle Sheehan

I am female self-discovery coach. I help women find and live out their purpose.

We are all creative, limitless beings who have our own unique gifts to share with the world.

Finding & embodying your higher self is the key to living a fulfilling life whilst contributing your gifts to humanity.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.danielle-may.co.uk

Love & Relationships

Meghan Teresa Smith

As a Jungian Coach, I am equipped to support you in your journey of navigating the beautiful potential of relationships with others, e.g., romantic, family, friendships, and the most important relationship of all – the one with yourself. Active listening will allow me to quickly understand your needs to create an individualized approach that will guide you to achieving what you desire. You are deserving of the relationships you truly seek. Each session will be a safe space for you to explore with me while being held accountable and supported in your empowerment. Do you find yourself projecting your inner struggles onto others? Do you get the sense that there may be some blind spots that are hindering you from seeing what needs to be brought to light? Are there patterns that you notice throughout every relationship? How are you relating to yourself? If you would like to dig deeper to discover the answers to your questions and gain clarity, we can embark on this journey together to empower you in your quest for increased awareness and free will.

Click the icon below to contact abrandnewyoucoaching@gmail.com


Fatim Sow

I help executives and entrepreneurs who are navigating the complex and often tumultuous waters of midlife transitions on a journey of profound transformation, not just managing change, but thriving in it.

Click the icon below to visit https://www.fatimsow.com


Rabia Subhani

I am a neuropsychologist turned heartfulness coach™ focused on helping my clients learn how to live joyfully with presence and from a place of complete soul alignment! I work primarily with women, many of whom are either neurodivergent or who have neurodiverse children. In addition, I also work with high performers such as healthcare workers. As a Sufi (of the Mevlevi aka Rumi's lineage) with many decades of spiritual seeking experience, I also help guide others on their path through spiritual mentoring. The core belief of all my coaching is to help you remember your own magnificence, that you are pure Love. As Rumi said, "Love said to me, there is nothing that is not me. Be silent." In silence, we can remember who we truly are. But sometimes we seek a little loving guidance to get us there!

Click the icon below to visit http://www.rabiasubhani.com


Amber Tariq

I coach successful professional men and women, in their midlife, who have traditional success but feel lack of depth and meaning. They chase ever bigger goals and next stages of success, next promotion, next leadership position but deep down they know, this is not what’s missing in their life. They can also feel stuck in jobs that are not fulfilling, relationships that are not life giving.

I help these people connect with their parts that were lost in chase of success, and at 35, they are knocking at the door. I help them discover and cultivate their forgotten gifts and values that they can bring back to life and to the world, that very much needs them.

Click the icon below to visit ambertariq.com


Gina Tassone

I help women connect with their true nature through small inner SHIFTs that allow them to stand in their Sovereignty Honor Inspiration Freedom and Truth in order to live their most Authentic lives.

Click the icon below to email shiftyourlifecoaching@verizon.net


Erica Taxin

Join me as we explore the patterns that are preventing you from creating a life that feels aligned with your hopes and dreams. Through this work, you will establish a deeper level of intimacy and connection with yourself, as well as within your current and desired relationships.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.souldivecoaching.com

Love & Relationships

Delores Thompson

Self Coaching.

Click the envelope icon below to contact Delores via email: delorest3@gmail.com


Emily Tran

As a Jungian Life Coach focused on aligned success, I help people ignite their passion, get paid for their purpose, and take inspired action towards creating a life they love.

I was previously a Senior Program Manager at Microsoft for 7 years and briefly at a web3 startup in the world of software engineering before finally pursuing my passion in personal development.

Many of my clients are working professionals that followed a path to traditional success but feel they are meant for something bigger. By providing clarity regarding their personal visions of success, I'm able to guide them to reach the next level of their current roles or successfully transition into more meaningful careers. From there, we can ensure that all other facets of their lives seamlessly fall into place.

Much like boosts from potions or “Double XP Weekend” events in video games, Double XP Coaching is about accelerating personal development and unlocking untapped potential while working together.

Click the icon below to visit https://www.doublexpcoaching.com


Holly Trent

I offer transformational guidance for people who want to get unstuck, uncover deeper meaning and purpose, and to create a life that feels authentic, joyful, and aligned with core values. As your Personal Catalyst my mission is to stimulate your natural curiosity and imagination, to enhance your self awareness and expedite your transformation on a personal, communal, and global scale. I encourage, guide and support you as you explore and expand your personal and creative potential. Working collaboratively we will develop a personalized approach tailored to your unique needs, skill sets, and interests.

Click the icon below to visit https://www.hollytrent.com/offerings

Love & Relationships

Shea Tully

Taking performing musicians from fear to freedom!

Click the envelope icon below to contact Shea via email: shetully@gmail.com


Julie Turner

I love to help seekers on their path to a more purposeful and fulfilling lives! Using the Creative Mind Coaching Method provides a rich and deep experience for people who are ready to take a deeper dive into who they are.

Click the icon below to visit https://www.accessconsciousness.com/en/public-profiles/julie-turner/


Marianne Vergult

Helping women find their purpose and passion.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.wildinnerbliss.com

Love & Relationships

Melissa White

I'm a Midlife Muse, helping people create Devotion in Relationship to Self, Other, and Spirit through creativity, movement, and Jungian Shadow Work facilitation. Go on an epic odyssey, into the infinite You, to find Union within.

Click the icon below to visit https://www.melissanaiad.com/


Vic Wilson

Shamanic and Jungian Life Coaching for Success.

Dramatically improve your happiness, abundance and sense of purpose by working with your unconscious.

Experience deep, transformative coaching for profound, lasting results with Shajung.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.shajung.com


Wendy Wolpert

Cultivating transformation and integration processes leading to your awareness and awakening of your deepest driving desires.

Click the icon below to email wisdomsbywendy@gmail.com


Wendy Wong

Have you ever felt that the more you push for something, the more pushback you get? Maybe you’re leading a high-stakes project, and you’re encountering resistance from stakeholders? Maybe you want to make changes at work that will improve the process or the culture for all, but you’re running up against obstacles or barriers? Or maybe even as you work harder, do your job better than your peers, you’re still coming up against that Bamboo Ceiling?

As AAPI professionals, we are conditioned to strive, to work harder, to be excellent, to be more vocal or assertive, to imitate the model of what we think a powerful executive looks like. Often, that means to change yourself to fit in, to be noticed, to be promoted.

Through my Executive Presence program, you will learn to be more comfortable in your own skin, to show up authentically, to be powerful by accessing your true nature, rather than pretending to be somebody you’re not. Turn your AAPI heritage into a gamechanger for your career. If you want to break through the Bamboo Ceiling, join me for a free 30-minute consultation that will set you on your path to your next promotion.

Click the icon below to visit www.missionquest.life

Certified Mind-Body Coaches


Laura Fernie

I work with people to cultivate self compassion and a self-care practice that allows them to lower stress and maximize their overall health and wellness.

Click the icon below to visit http://www.oneamazingyou.com


Kristin Strohecker

Kristin is a board-certified acupuncturist and herbalist licensed in the state of Maryland and is a certified Mind-Body coach. She is currently planning her coaching practice and will update this description at that time.

Click the icon below to visit Kristin's LinkedIn profile: http://linkedin.com/in/kristinstrohecker

Please Note

The coaches listed in our directory are graduates of our program and operate their own coaching practices. These are not staff coaches and are independent of CreativeMind Media, LLC. You may contact them directly for services.