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In our final episode on trauma and resilience, we discuss what is happening collectively as we are removed from our social routines, dealing with division and isolation. We also have some solutions to make the world a better place through resilience after tragedy. In this episode, we will explore:

  • How anxiety and depression increased during Covid in the US affecting over 73 million people;
  • The power of disruption that can change our individual lives and collective humanity;
  • How to cultivate resilient communities and build a better world;
  • What we learned about ourselves, who we are and what is possible during the pandemic;
  • The three steps to take to begin to create change in your life and your communities.

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COVID’s Impact on Society – Dealing with Collective Trauma


Debra Maldonado  00:07

Hello, welcome back to Soul Sessions with CreativeMind. We are ending our series on trauma and PTSD and resilience with something we’re all talking about, which is COVID, and how it affected us collectively. We’re going to talk today about collective trauma and collective resilience.

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