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25% of adults in the US experience chronic pain. This causes disruption in careers, relationships, and general happiness in life. We explore the natural ability of the mind to direct the body to create states of reduced suffering and increased inner balance. We discuss:

  • What are pain and chronic pain
  • How pain is typically diagnosed and treated
  • How Mind-Body approaches can help with Chronic Pain

This information is for educational purposes and not intended to diagnose or treat any mental or physical conditions. Please consult your physician before beginning any mind-body intervention.

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How to Transform Pain


INTRO 00:00
Welcome to Soul Sessions with CreativeMind with Debra Berndt Maldonado and Dr. Rob Maldonado of CreativeMind. Join us each week for inspiring conversation about personal development based on Jungian philosophy, Eastern spirituality, and social neuroscience. Spend each week with us to explore deep topics in a practical way. Let’s begin.

Debra Maldonado 00:28
Hello, welcome to another episode of Soul Sessions with CreativeMind. I’m Debra Maldonado. I’m here with Dr. Rob Maldonado. We are continuing our series. This is the last episode in the series on mind-body health, mind-body wellness. We are so excited to introduce our last topic. But before we do, I want to remind you please, if you want to not miss an episode, click on the button below if you’re watching our YouTube channel, or if you are listening on Spotify or iTunes, make sure you subscribe to our podcast so you don’t miss another episode. So what’s today’s topic, Rob?

Rob Maldonado 01:14
Let’s dive in. It’s an important one. We’re talking about how to transform pain. Specifically, we want to talk about chronic pain, physical pain. Pain is so universal. When you think about human suffering, you think about pain. Physical pain, as well as emotional pain. We’ll talk about how they are connected. Because that’s really what we’re talking about in the mind-body, that the mind and the body are one.

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