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Our series on Jungian Psychology continues with a discussion on dream work. Learning dream interpretation is like learning a new symbolic language, and there is so much to gain from doing so.  We explore:

  • The difference between Freud & Jung’s dream work
  • How to use dream work for personal growth
  • An exercise to help recall dreams
  • How to interpret dreams

Watch the next Soul Session in this series on our YouTube Channel.
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Debra Maldonado  00:28 

Hello, welcome to another episode of Soul Sessions. I am Debra Berrndt Maldonado, here with Dr. Rob Maldonado of CreativeMind. We’re continuing our series on this episode of Jung’s philosophy. We’re talking about dreams today. Before we begin, I do want to remind you, if you’re listening to us on Spotify, iTunes, all those wonderful podcast services, please don’t forget to subscribe to our channel. So dreams, we’re not talking about reaching your dreams, we’re talking about actual dreams.

Robert Maldonado  01:00

We talked about Carl Jung’s personality types and psychological types. Then we talked about the bigger aspect of the collective unconscious in our types. Now we get to dreams. We talked about a little bit of mythology on the last episode. Dreams follow in those footsteps of mythology because they represent the personal myth. It’s a way for you to experience your personal mythology.

Debra Maldonado  01:39

I always think of dreams as this other part of yourself that’s having another experience besides the waking life. It’s like another life that you’re experiencing. Many times it has no bounds, it doesn’t have the same rules that we have here. Just another way our psyche is expressing itself.

Robert Maldonado  01:58

There’s a quote by Jung where he says modern people forget that the way God used to speak to people was through dreams. You see it in the Bible, you see it in the Quran, you see it in many Hindu scriptures and epics. Dreams were a gateway into the divine or the way the divine expressed itself through human nature. Very powerful elements that we’re not saying, that’s the reality, or that’s the truth right there. That’s the way ancient people understood the dreams. But Jung gives us a way to understand them psychologically. If there is the collective unconscious that’s the reservoir of humanity’s experiences, then we’re drawing from that well of wisdom through dreams.

Debra Maldonado  03:00

You’ll notice dreams aren’t limited to your personal experience. A lot of people relate their dreams to everyday life. They had a dream about their school, when they were kids, or childhood home, or the work stress. I have a zoom nightmare sometimes. But we’re talking about these weird dreams that we are like, “Where did we come up with that? What part of our mind created that?”

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